Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form - North Dakota

Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form - North Dakota

A North Dakota Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form is a written document that outlines the details of the arrangement with the person authorized to assist the car owner in various vehicle-related matters. If you want someone else to make decisions for you to register, title, or sell your car, you can do it with this instrument - it does not have to be a qualified lawyer, you can give a family member or close friend the right to act on your behalf.

To fill out the North Dakota Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney correctly, you have to enter your name, birth date, and social security number (a tax identification number if the car belongs to the entity), identify the authorized person, sign and date the document. Only formalize the papers once they are notarized - this way, your identity will be verified and your intentions will be acknowledged; additionally, you are obliged to ask a technician to examine the car, add its main characteristics to the document, and certify it is in the proper condition to be driven safely.

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