Non-compete Agreement Template - Texas

Non-compete Agreement Template - Texas

A Texas Non-Compete Agreement is a legal document that is formed by and signed between an employer and employee. The document does not allow a former employee from seeking employment opportunities in similar business, usually for a specific amount of time. The purpose of this is to safeguard any secret information by making sure that it is not exposed by former employees once they stop working for a company. This information usually concerns company secrets or details about clients. If a business chooses not to sign this agreement, the employee could easily find employment at a rival company working in the same position. Any information or skills that an employee received from a previous employer could be manipulated to their advantage at their new place of work.

It is crucial that agreement is reasonable for both parties. This is particularly true for employees that are often limited from seeking employment in certain spheres, certain areas and for a certain amount of time. The geographical area needs to be considered in detail. Any important structures relating to the document are all included in a Texas Non-Compete Agreement Template.

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