Non-compete Agreement Template - South Carolina

Non-compete Agreement Template - South Carolina

A South Carolina Non-Compete Agreement stops any business secrets from exposure to the general public or any fellow competitors. In most cases it is signed by the business and an employee of that business which outlines the specific information that should be kept in secrecy. This means that the individual is not allowed to disclose any information to any party, regardless of whether or not they work for the company. The specific time frame for which the document would be deemed effective together with any other relevant information should all be highly detailed in the agreement.

Having this agreement in place will make sure that any employee with access to classified information cannot just simply leave your company and go and work for a rival company where they will most likely share ideas, secrets and possible clients that were initially created in secret by the previous company. Despite there being no laws to govern this in South Carolina, the document can still be enforced and used in court. The main condition for this to happen is to make sure that the conditions within the document are fair and not limiting. To ensure that all required information is included correctly, you should start with a South Carolina Non-Compete Agreement Template.

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