Non-compete Agreement Template - Pennsylvania

Non-compete Agreement Template - Pennsylvania

A Pennsylvania Non-Compete Agreement is a document that is signed between a company and a person that is employed by the company. The reason for drafting this document aims to preserve the business by limiting the employee from disclosing certain confidential information. Such information can be a company secret or information about clients. If such information is leaked to other individuals, especially to a competitor - then this can leave a severe impact on the business.

Even though there are not any specific laws in Pennsylvania to enforce such agreements, they are still enforceable as long as the conditions of the document are reasonable and are not severely restrictive. These conditions usually relate to a certain time period for which the document will remain valid. The date starts to come into effect from the date that the employee leaves their job.

To make sure all the relevant points are included, we would strongly suggest using an editable Pennsylvania Non-Compete Agreement Template.

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