Non-compete Agreement Template - New Hampshire

Non-compete Agreement Template - New Hampshire

A New Hampshire Non-Compete Agreement is a written document, drafted and signed by an employer and employee which aims to stop any previous employees from finding jobs in the same sphere in a different company. There is usually a specified amount of time that the document will last for. The reason for this is to stop any confidential secrets from spreading in the event that an employee decides to leave their job within a company. Such secrets could include details about customers. If this document is not signed, an employee would be within right to go and work for a competitor where they would be able to use the secrets they have been informed about for their own personal advantages.

One of the crucial conditions in New Hampshire is that the conditions are fair for the employee too, especially when concerning limits for employment in regards to the time period and geographical location. A common reasonable amount of time is considered to be two years.

To ensure that all elements are included in the agreement, we would suggest using a New Hampshire Non-Compete Agreement Template to save yourself time and speed up the process.

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