Non-compete Agreement Template - Arizona

Non-compete Agreement Template - Arizona

An Arizona Non-Compete Agreement is written up and signed when an employer wants to impose specific limitations on an employee in regards to working in the same position at a different company. There are important factors to consider when writing up such an agreement, mainly surrounding the period of time for which the agreement can be valid for and the details of confidential information, which need to be specific and cannot be too general. Be aware if your Arizona Non-Compete Agreement concerns selling a business, the rules regarding this will usually be more stringent.

In Arizona, there is no legal limit on the time period for which the agreement can be enforced for, but the expectation is that they should be 'reasonable'. This can sometimes create ambiguity because different businesses may have different understandings of the term 'reasonable'. It is also important to understand that there are some exceptions to the agreement in Arizona, such as those individuals working in television, as physicians, or attorneys.

By using an Arizona Non-Compete Agreement Template, you ensure that the necessary information and structure has been included which in the long run will save you a considerable amount of time that you can spend doing other business-related activities.

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