Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Wisconsin

Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Wisconsin

A Wisconsin Independent Contractor Agreement is created between a customer (which can be an individual or a business) and an independent contractor that has been selected to carry out a specific task. The document should detail information about the specific responsibilities that the customer should follow, including details concerning the payment which a contractor should receive post completion of the agreed job. Any other information, such as information concerning deadlines also needs to be detailed in the agreement.

The easiest way to create this agreement is by downloading and editing a Wisconsin Independent Contractor Agreement Template which will allow you to make the correctly formed agreement in very little time. This document will remain as proof that a business relationship was created between two entities and in addition, will confirm that the individual who was hired as an independent contractor, is not classed as an employee. This is very important as employees can legally seek additional compensation. However, this compensation does not concern independent contractors, which means that the customer will not have to pay.

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