Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Ohio

Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Ohio

An Ohio Independent Contractor Agreement is made when a contractor is needed to carry out a certain task. The agreement will explain that the individual is an independent contractor rather than an employee, as well as explaining any details related to the job in great detail. Such details would include the duties that the contractor has promised to fulfill before the customer and will also provide information about deadlines. Possibly more important for the contractor, details about the payment will also be outlined in the agreement which the customer obliges themselves to pay.

This agreement will safeguard both the customer and the contractor as disputes are less likely to arise due to the details of the agreement. Everything is clearly described. The document can also be of importance for the customer as it confirms that the individual was hired as an independent contractor and not an employee. This removes any responsibility for the customer to provide other benefits and packages that employees are entitled to.

You can create this agreement quickly by using an Ohio Independent Contractor Agreement Template which will include all crucial parts to the agreement.

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