Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Montana

Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Montana

A Montana Independent Contractor Agreement is a legal document formed between the customer (a company or person) which is hiring an independent contractor to complete a particular job. After completion, the contractor will be paid by the customer for the agreed price that is also outlined in the agreement. In agreement with this document, the customer paying for the job will have different commitments compared to the contractor. The contractor has a legal responsibility to pay all required taxes themselves.

The easiest way to do this is by downloading a Montana Independent Contractor Agreement Template which should contain the required structure and language needed to create a proper agreement. By modifying the template with the specifics concerning your company and services, you will create an Independent Contractor Agreement in very little time which can also be used in the future, ensuring that you do not create a new agreement from scratch every single time.

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Download Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Montana

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  • Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Montana, Page 2
  • Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Montana, Page 3