Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Mississippi

Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Mississippi

If you live in Mississippi, a Mississippi Independent Contractor Agreement can be a useful document to sign between a customer and an independent contractor. The agreement will document in writing the various duties that the contractor obliges themselves to fulfill in order to finish a specific job, usually within a certain time period. On the other hand, the customer promises to fulfill their duty of financially compensating the contractor for their completed work.

In case a conflict arises, each party would need to simply open up the agreement and read through the clauses to determine which party is in the wrong. It also safeguards the customer from potentially unnecessary and unexpected payments which will legally need to be paid in case the hired party is considered as an employee. By signing this agreement, the customer clearly sets in writing that the hired individual is not an employee but rather an independent contractor.

A Mississippi Independent Contractor Agreement Template will contain the correct structure, language, and information required to produce a legitimate agreement.

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