Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Massachusetts

Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Massachusetts

A Massachusetts Independent Contractor Agreement is formed to detail specifics regarding the agreements and terms that were decided upon by a customer and a contractor. In turn, this will establish the independent contractor as a separate entity, distinguishing them from the employee status which means that the customer will not have to make additional payments concerning insurance and taxes as they would do for an employee. Once all of the work is completed, the customer will be required to pay the contractor for their services.

The terms in the document will also provide information about any limitations for deadline dates as well as a detailed list of the duties that the contractor must complete. If both parties are happy with the contents of the agreement, they should be signed and will come into effect until the expiry of the job. If queries arise regarding any part of the agreement from either party, they can quickly be resolved by referring to the clauses in the agreement. Such information can be obtained by downloading and modifying a Massachusetts Independent Contractor Agreement Template.

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