Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Maine

Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Maine

A Maine Independent Contractor Agreement is a legal document that is formed and signed between a customer and the contractor that they are hiring for a limited amount of time. The contractor should be aware of the tasks that lay before them and if there are any specific expectations or duties that they need to abide by. The agreement should also explain how much the contractor will get paid for completing the job as well as any limitations in regards to dates, if there are any.

By downloading and forming a Maine Independent Contractor Agreement Template, you create a document that can be used to resolve disputes and offer the customer extra protection by clearly stating that the individual with which you have formed a working relationship with is an independent contractor - not an employee. Although this may seem like a rather insignificant detail, it can be extremely important as employees are entitled to certain rights that contractors are not to which could prove to be problematic if it is not made clear enough that the hired individual is a contractor.

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