Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Idaho

Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Idaho

An Idaho Independent Contractor Agreement helps layout in writing all of the relevant terms that are applicable when concerning an agreement between a customer and an independent contractor. Within this agreement, the customer will usually detail any information that concerns the job to be undertaken as well as the general expectations and responsibilities of the hired individual. The agreement will also set in writing any deadlines related to the job and clearly state the payment conditions.

By using an Idaho Independent Contractor Agreement Template, the customer is safeguarded as it will act as confirmation that a working relationship was established between the two involved parties. It also acts as confirmation that the contractor has agreed to fulfill their duties as outlined and agreed upon in the document. By signing this agreement, the customer clearly indicates that the individual they have hired was not hired on the basis of employment, but rather as an independent contractor. If this is not clear, the customer could be liable to pay extra taxes as well as other social benefits that are given to employees.

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