Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Georgia (United States)

Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Georgia (United States)

A Georgia Independent Contractor Agreement is formed when an independent contractor is required to complete a specific task which establishes the individual as an independent contractor and not an employee, as well as clearly outlining any details associated with the job itself. This would include any responsibilities that the contractor has before the customer, as well as information regarding deadlines and more interestingly for the contractor, the financial compensation that they will receive after completing the agreed job.

Such documents offer protection for both parties as they will aid the resolution of disputes, as all possible conditions are outlined. Therefore, no questions should arise. It also offers additional protection for the customer as by confirming that the individual is not an employee, they steer away any responsibility for the customer to pay the individual additional financial packages associated with employee rights.

You can do this quickly and easily by using a Georgia Independent Contractor Agreement Template which will include the vital elements of such an agreement.

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  • Independent Contractor Agreement Template - Georgia (United States), Page 3