Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions) - Manitoba, Canada (French)

Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions) - Manitoba, Canada (French)

Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions) - Manitoba, Canada (French), is a form used in the Canadian province of Manitoba by corporations with share capital to amend their articles of incorporation. This can include changes such as the name of the corporation, the number of authorized shares, the number of directors, and other fundamental alterations to the structure or governance of the corporation. As the title suggests, this document is provided in French.

The "Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions)" is a French document specifically for Manitoba, Canada. This form is typically filed by corporations with share capital in the process of prolongation or extension. The individual managing this process, often a company director or corporate lawyer, would be responsible for filing this form. It is an important part of the legal process for corporations in Manitoba and is usually filed with the Manitoba Companies Office.


Q: What is 'Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions)'?
A: The 'Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions)' is a French document used in Manitoba, Canada. It is used by for-profit corporations intending to extend the duration (prorogation) of their corporation under Section 187 of The Corporations Act of Manitoba.

Q: What is the purpose of the 'Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions)'?
A: The purpose of this form is to extend the life of a corporation. It must be filed with the Manitoba Companies Office, the government agency responsible for administering the companies' legislation in Manitoba, Canada.

Q: What is 'Corporation Avec Capital-Actions' in English?
A: 'Corporation Avec Capital-Actions' translates to 'Corporation with Share Capital' in English. It refers to a corporation that has share capital, i.e., it's a business entity where the owners are shareholders.

Q: What is prorogation in the context of the Corporations Act?
A: In the context of the Corporations Act, prorogation refers to the extension or prolongation of the duration of a corporation.

Q: Is the 'Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions)' used only in Manitoba?
A: Yes, the 'Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions)' is specifically used in Manitoba, Canada. However, similar forms or procedures might exist in other provinces or territories with their respective adjustments according to local laws.

Q: In which language is the 'Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions)'?
A: The form is in French. However, it is likely that an English version is also available considering that both French and English are the official languages in Canada.


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  • Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions) - Manitoba, Canada (French)


  • Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions) - Manitoba, Canada (French), Page 2


  • Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions) - Manitoba, Canada (French), Page 3


  • Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions) - Manitoba, Canada (French), Page 1
  • Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions) - Manitoba, Canada (French), Page 2
  • Forme 12 Clauses De Prorogation (Corporation Avec Capital-Actions) - Manitoba, Canada (French), Page 3