Who doesn't love a good festive Christmas party? To ensure that your party is a success you should ensure that you print and display a Christmas Party Sign Up Sheet for people to record their attendance. This is important to ensure that you get a definite number of attendees that will provide crucial information for you to tailor and cater for your party. This will help with planning Christmas games, food, gifts, and seating arrangements. You want to avoid doing and spending too much if not many people will turn up and likewise, you do not want to under prepare so that guests are left in a cramped space with not enough food.
A Sign Up Sheet for a Christmas Party will usually record the name and contact information of the person signing up. It will also state the location, date and time of the party. In addition, there may be a list of food and drinks (possibly other products) that are required for the Christmas party. Underneath the list guests will be asked what item(s) they plan on bringing to the party. After all, it would be unfair to expect the host to prepare everything, especially if there is a large group of people attending the party. This way the host can keep track of who is coming and who is bringing what to prevent everyone from bringing the same dish.
A Christmas Party Sign Up Sheet template can be downloaded by clicking the link below.
Christmas parties are all about delicious food and drinks so naturally, you may want to think about what food to bring to wow all of the party guests. The Sign Up Sheet will most likely detail what food and beverages are required and you should note down what you are bringing on the sheet. The earlier you do this, the better as you do not want someone else to take up your spot and bring the same food that you planned to. For this reason, communication and quick thinking is important.
As the Christmas period is heavily centered around tradition, it may be wise to bring along some traditional Christmas food. Perhaps you may want to be slightly more adventurous and bring along something new and exotic that you are sure will be a hit with the guests. Alternatively, you can bring along any cakes, cookies or pies which are always popular at Christmas parties.
Planning a Christmas Party can be tough and may even seem rather daunting - particularly if you have no experience and you are doing it for the first time. It is very easy for something small to slip your mind which could affect the whole party. To avoid this, we have compiled a list of our top tips and hints for you to consider when planning your Christmas Party:
Still looking for a particular template? Take a look at the related templates below: