Form BOE-65-P Claim for Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property for Property Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster - County of San Diego, California

Form BOE-65-P Claim for Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property for Property Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster - County of San Diego, California

What Is Form BOE-65-P?

This is a legal form that was released by the Assessor, Recorder, County Clerk's Office - County of San Diego, California - a government authority operating within California. The form may be used strictly within County of San Diego. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is BOE-65-P?
A: BOE-65-P is a form used to claim an intracounty transfer of base year value to replacement property for property damaged or destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster in San Diego, California.

Q: What is an intracounty transfer of base year value?
A: An intracounty transfer of base year value allows property owners to transfer the assessed value of their old property to a replacement property within the same county.

Q: When can I use BOE-65-P form?
A: You can use the BOE-65-P form when your property has been damaged or destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster in San Diego, California.

Q: How do I claim an intracounty transfer of base year value?
A: To claim an intracounty transfer of base year value, you need to complete the BOE-65-P form and submit it to the County of San Diego, California.

Q: What is considered a Governor-Declared Disaster?
A: A Governor-Declared Disaster refers to a situation where the Governor of California has declared a state of emergency due to a natural or man-made disaster.

Q: Is the BOE-65-P form specific to San Diego County?
A: Yes, the BOE-65-P form is specific to the County of San Diego, California.

Q: Can I use the BOE-65-P form for property outside of San Diego County?
A: No, the BOE-65-P form is specific to property damaged or destroyed in San Diego County only.

Q: Who should I contact for more information about the BOE-65-P form?
A: For more information about the BOE-65-P form, you should contact the County of San Diego in California.

Q: Are there any deadlines for submitting the BOE-65-P form?
A: Yes, there are deadlines for submitting the BOE-65-P form. It is recommended to contact the County of San Diego for specific deadlines.

Q: Can I claim an intracounty transfer of base year value for property damaged or destroyed in a non-Governor-Declared Disaster?
A: No, the intracounty transfer of base year value is specifically for property damaged or destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster in San Diego County, California.


Form Details:

  • Released on May 1, 2019;
  • The latest edition provided by the Assessor, Recorder, County Clerk's Office - County of San Diego, California;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of Form BOE-65-P by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Assessor, Recorder, County Clerk's Office - County of San Diego, California.

Download Form BOE-65-P Claim for Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property for Property Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster - County of San Diego, California

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  • Form BOE-65-P Claim for Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property for Property Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster - County of San Diego, California


  • Form BOE-65-P Claim for Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property for Property Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster - County of San Diego, California, Page 2


  • Form BOE-65-P Claim for Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property for Property Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster - County of San Diego, California, Page 1
  • Form BOE-65-P Claim for Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property for Property Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster - County of San Diego, California, Page 2

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