Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late (Nunc Pro Tunc) - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late (Nunc Pro Tunc) - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late (Nunc Pro Tunc) is a legal document that was released by the Board of Revision of Taxes - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - a government authority operating within Pennsylvania. The form may be used strictly within City of Philadelphia.


Q: What is a Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late?
A: A Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late is a legal document that requests the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to allow a property owner to appeal the market value of their property after the deadline has passed.

Q: Why would someone need to file this petition?
A: Someone may need to file this petition if they missed the deadline to appeal the market value of their property and still believe the assessed value is incorrect.

Q: Who can file this petition?
A: Any property owner in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who missed the deadline to appeal the market value of their property can file this petition.

Q: What is the process for filing this petition?
A: The property owner needs to complete and submit the Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late form to the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The form should include the reasons for the late appeal and any supporting documentation.

Q: Is there a deadline to file this petition?
A: Yes, there is a deadline to file this petition. The property owner should file the petition within 30 days after receiving the Notice of Assessment.

Q: What happens after the petition is filed?
A: After the petition is filed, it will be reviewed by the appropriate authorities in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A decision will be made regarding whether to grant permission for a late appeal.

Q: Can the decision to grant or deny the petition be appealed?
A: Yes, if the petition is denied, the property owner may have the option to appeal the decision through the regular appeals process.


Form Details:

  • The latest edition currently provided by the Board of Revision of Taxes - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Board of Revision of Taxes - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Download Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late (Nunc Pro Tunc) - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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  • Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late (Nunc Pro Tunc) - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


  • Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late (Nunc Pro Tunc) - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Page 2


  • Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late (Nunc Pro Tunc) - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Page 1
  • Petition Seeking Permission to Appeal Market Value Late (Nunc Pro Tunc) - City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Page 2