Motion for Expungement Pursuant to Pa.r.j.c.p. 170 - Pennsylvania (English / Vietnamese)

Motion for Expungement Pursuant to Pa.r.j.c.p. 170 - Pennsylvania (English / Vietnamese)

Motion for Expungement Pursuant to Pa.r.j.c.p. 170 is a legal document that was released by the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas - a government authority operating within Pennsylvania.


Q: What is a Motion for Expungement?
A: A Motion for Expungement is a request to erase or seal a criminal record.

Q: What is Pa.r.j.c.p. 170?
A: Pa.r.j.c.p. 170 refers to the Pennsylvania Rule of Criminal Procedure 170, which outlines the procedure for expunging criminal records in Pennsylvania.

Q: Why would someone file a Motion for Expungement?
A: A person may file a Motion for Expungement to clear their criminal record for employment, housing, or other purposes.

Q: What happens after filing a Motion for Expungement?
A: After filing a Motion for Expungement, the court will review the request and determine if the record should be expunged or sealed.

Q: What are the requirements for granting an expungement?
A: The requirements for granting an expungement vary by jurisdiction, but may include completion of probation or a certain time period since the offense.

Q: Can all criminal records be expunged?
A: Not all criminal records can be expunged. Certain types of offenses, like violent crimes or sexual offenses, may not be eligible for expungement.

Q: Do I need an attorney to file a Motion for Expungement?
A: While not required, it is recommended to consult with an attorney familiar with expungement laws in Pennsylvania to navigate the legal process effectively.


Form Details:

  • Released on June 21, 2021;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas.

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  • Motion for Expungement Pursuant to Pa.r.j.c.p. 170 - Pennsylvania (English/Vietnamese)


  • Motion for Expungement Pursuant to Pa.r.j.c.p. 170 - Pennsylvania (English/Vietnamese), Page 2


  • Motion for Expungement Pursuant to Pa.r.j.c.p. 170 - Pennsylvania (English / Vietnamese), Page 1
  • Motion for Expungement Pursuant to Pa.r.j.c.p. 170 - Pennsylvania (English / Vietnamese), Page 2

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