Institution Waiver Request - Child and Adult Care Food Program - South Carolina

Institution Waiver Request - Child and Adult Care Food Program - South Carolina

Institution Waiver Request - Child and Adult Care Food Program is a legal document that was released by the South Carolina Department of Social Services - a government authority operating within South Carolina.


Q: What is the Institution Waiver Request?
A: The Institution Waiver Request is a request made by child and adult care institutions in South Carolina for a waiver from specific requirements of the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

Q: What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program?
A: The Child and Adult Care Food Program is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks served to eligible children and adults in child care centers, family day care homes, and adult day care centers.

Q: Who can submit an Institution Waiver Request?
A: Child and adult care institutions in South Carolina can submit an Institution Waiver Request.

Q: What does the Institution Waiver Request waive?
A: The Institution Waiver Request waives specific requirements of the Child and Adult Care Food Program, such as meal pattern requirements and record keeping requirements.

Q: Why would an institution request a waiver?
A: An institution may request a waiver if they are unable to meet certain requirements due to factors such as limited resources or unique circumstances.

Q: How can an institution submit an Institution Waiver Request?
A: Child and adult care institutions in South Carolina can submit an Institution Waiver Request through the designated state agency responsible for administering the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

Q: Is the Institution Waiver Request guaranteed to be approved?
A: Approval of an Institution Waiver Request is subject to review and approval by the designated state agency.

Q: Are there any alternative options for institutions that cannot meet the program requirements?
A: Yes, institutions that cannot meet the program requirements may explore alternative options such as applying for a different type of waiver or seeking technical assistance from the designated state agency.

Q: Can institutions receive reimbursements for meals and snacks served while a waiver request is being reviewed?
A: Institutions may be eligible to receive reimbursements for meals and snacks served while a waiver request is being reviewed, depending on the specific circumstances and approval process.


Form Details:

  • Released on March 24, 2020;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the South Carolina Department of Social Services;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the South Carolina Department of Social Services.

Download Institution Waiver Request - Child and Adult Care Food Program - South Carolina

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