Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Template - Wisconsin

Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Template - Wisconsin

A Wisconsin Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement is a legal agreement that keeps a written record regarding all of the vital information about a sole-member company. It will contain information regarding the owner and any other significant members managing the business along with their responsibilities. The document usually also includes information about normal day-to-day operations and any policies in place.

By having this document signed, it helps to distinguish between the resources belonging solely to the sole owner and those that belong to them through the business. The big advantage of doing this is that if a business enters the liquidation phase (no matter the reason) and there is a debt that needs to be repaid - only the resources from the business can be obtained to repay the debt.

If you think that you may forget to add something crucial to the agreement, we would recommend using a Wisconsin Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Template which contains a simple structure with all relevant points. Once the single owner drafts up the document, it is recommended that they go over all of the details to ensure that they are correct and sign in the presence of a notary public.

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