Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Template - New York

Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Template - New York

If you are the only person in charge of a business and you are located in New York, you should fill in a New York Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement which is legally required by the state. The main function of the document is that it clearly defines the ownership of the company, the management team and their roles, the organizational structure of the business, the rules and regulations in place and any other relevant information which would be of importance.

Failing to compose such a document, the individual owner risks exposing their private assets to debt collection if the company files for bankruptcy or has a legal case brought up against it. This is because the two assets (private and business related) are not differentiated in the agreement. On the other hand, if the document is drafted, the private assets are protected.

You should start by downloading a New York Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Template and editing it by inputting the relevant details about the owner and business. It may also be worth getting this document notarized after completion.

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Download Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Template - New York

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  • Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Template - New York, Page 2
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