Non-disclosure Agreement Template - West Virginia

Non-disclosure Agreement Template - West Virginia

West Virginia Non-Disclosure Agreement: What is it?

A West Virginia Non-Disclosure Agreement refers to the legally binding contract negotiated and signed by the counterparts with the intention to outline the details of their confidential relationship.

If you own a small business or large corporation and want to ensure your employee does not release your business practices and strategies to a local competitor, safeguard your interests when working with a new contractor, advisor, or investor, or protect yourself after disclosing sensitive information to a client while working on a proposal or quote, this is the legal instrument you should use.

You can find a West Virginia Non-Disclosure Agreement Template below.


West Virginia NDA: How to Make?

In order to create an effective West Virginia NDA, you need to add the following sections to the document in question:

  1. Identities of the parties . At a minimum, you need to list the names of the parties and their contact details. If the recipient of the information is a private individual, record their driver's license number as well.
  2. Term of the NDA . It may be tempting to offer indefinite protection but remain reasonable: if your financial records, trade secrets, and designs were developed by an ever-changing industry, it is possible they will no longer have value after a few years, so do not sign an agreement that lasts for more than ten years.
  3. Information protected by the contract . Describe the details the receiving party was granted access to and refer to other documents and records if it is hard to reproduce all the inventions, formulas, and schemes safeguarded by the NDA.
  4. Exclusions from the non-disclosure obligation . For example, the receiving party cannot be responsible for the information that became public already or the details they have learned before the collaboration with the disclosing party.
  5. Non-compete clause . In case you are terminating the employment agreement signed by an employee, you can ask them not to seek employment with your local rivals if you strongly believe they cannot be hired without disclosing sensitive data you have shared with them.
  6. Signatures of the counterparts or their legal representatives certified by a notary seal . Book an appointment with a local notary public who will confirm your identities and the intention to sign a deal - this detail will make it more difficult to challenge the authenticity of the contract.

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