Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Texas

Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Texas

Texas Non-Disclosure Agreement: What is it?

A Texas Non-Disclosure Agreement is a legally binding contract that describes the confidential relationship between the owner of sensitive information and the person or organization that gains access to the data in question.

Used in many industries, this document is the surest way to protect business practices and strategies, formulas and specifications from being known to the public, especially the competitors of the company that owns the rights to the intellectual property recorded in the text of the agreement.

If you are looking for a Texas Non-Disclosure Agreement Template, you can download it below.


Texas NDA: How to Make?

Here are several tips that will help you create a Texas NDA accepted by courts and authorities:

  1. Identify the parties not only by their names but also by their contact details . If the recipient of the information is a private individual, it is advised to add their driver's license number as well.
  2. Select an appropriate duration of the contract . While the owner of the information may want to prefer indefinite protection, many trade secrets, practices, and designs have an expiration date after which they no longer have value; so, do not oblige the receiving party to keep this data private forever if it makes no sense.
  3. Indicate what information is included in the agreement and what is excluded from the coverage . Traditionally, the information that was known to the recipient before they started working with the other party and the details that already became available to the public cannot be recorded in the NDA.
  4. Enter the amount of compensation the breaching party will have to pay in the event of the contract violation . It is a good idea to seek an out-of-court resolution of the potential conflict; however, if the person or organization that broke the terms of the contract does not respond to a formal complaint or notice, you need to pursue legal action.
  5. Sign the document and write down the actual date of signing . If you are unable to be present at the formalization of the NDA, you can issue an authorization for a legal representative who will check and sign the papers on your behalf.
  6. Notarize the document - book an appointment with a local notary public who will confirm the intention of the parties and put a notary seal on the NDA.

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