Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Pennsylvania

Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Non-Disclosure Agreement: What is it?

If you want to protect the confidentiality of the sensitive information your business owns, you need to draft a Pennsylvania Non-Disclosure Agreement and offer the person or organization that was given access to proprietary data.

Often used to avoid financial losses, this document is indispensable if you want to protect your intellectual property, schemes, designs, product specifications, and customer lists - the recipient of these details will keep them private.

A Pennsylvania Non-Disclosure Agreement Template can be downloaded below.


Pennsylvania NDA: How to Make?

Here are some tips that will help you ensure the Pennsylvania NDA you create remains valid even if it is later challenged in court:

  1. Indicate the names of the counterparts and state whether the agreement in question means mutual or unilateral obligation to keep the confidential information private . In most cases, this duty is only imposed on the receiving party; however, if you discover or develop data with a business partner, it will be wise to confirm you both do not disclose the details of your collaboration.
  2. Record what details are defined as "confidential" in line with the NDA terms . If it is impossible to list everything in one contract, there must be references to the documents and files the recipient worked with. Do not forget to exclude the data that cannot be covered by the NDA - for instance, the parties cannot be held liable for disclosing information they learned before working together.
  3. Determine the appropriate duration of the agreement . It may be tempting to request indefinite protection, especially if the information is valuable. Yet, in most situations, an agreement that lasts for several years is the most reasonable choice - do not oblige the receiving party to keep the details whose value expires quickly secret forever.
  4. There is an opportunity for the employer to make sure their competitors do not use the confidential information to their advantage - prevent your employee from being hired by your rivals when you terminate the employment agreement using the non-compete clause. Alternatively, if you are ending your professional relationship with the business partner, you can ask them not to solicit or hire your ex-employees.
  5. Sign the documentation in the presence of a notary public - they will verify the details listed in the NDA are true and complete and put the notary seal under your signatures.

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