Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Nevada

Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Nevada

Nevada Non-Disclosure Agreement: What is it?

Prepare a Nevada Non-Disclosure Agreement if you are parting ways with an employee that had access to your financial records and customer data, determining the rights and obligations of your business partners and investors you have authorized to work with your intellectual property, or discussing strategies with a customer. This legally enforceable contract is indispensable in a variety of industries helping to establish trust between the counterparts and protect the current and future revenue of the disclosing party that does not want to share its sensitive data with any third parties.

If you are looking for a Nevada Non-Disclosure Agreement Template, it can be found through the link below.


Nevada NDA: How to Make?

Follow these steps to draft an effective Nevada NDA that will be hard to challenge in court in case of a dispute:

  1. Identify the counterparts - the owner of the information and its recipient - by their names, physical addresses, and telephone numbers.
  2. List the information protected by the agreement . Whether you are safeguarding inventions, formulas, patterns, designs, clients' contact details, or internal documentation of the company, it is necessary to be precise when composing an NDA. If it is difficult to put everything in writing, there must be references to other documents the receiving party had access to.
  3. Explain whether the obligation to keep the information secret is mutual or unilateral . If your employee is leaving the organization, they are the only party that has to comply with the non-disclosure requirement; however, parties that worked together developing data may have a mutual duty to keep the information secret.
  4. Indicate the duration of the contract . It is possible to make it indefinite but, in most cases, the counterparts opt for limited protection that lasts for a few years - it makes sense if you are working in an industry where trade secrets, patterns, and ideas expire within a short period of time.
  5. Oblige the former employee not to work for your local competitors . You may include a non-compete clause in your agreement if you believe a person in question is able to disclose your confidential information to your rivals in a certain geographical area.
  6. Sign and date the papers in the presence of a notary public . They will check your identities or the authorization of legal representatives signing the document on your behalf.

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