Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Montana

Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Montana

Montana Non-Disclosure Agreement: What is it?

Small companies and large corporations that discover and develop confidential information should offer a Montana Non-Disclosure Agreement to every person and entity that works with them to protect the sensitive data in question.

Whether there is a mutual obligation to keep trade secrets and marketing strategies private or the duty to keep the details private is on the party that does not collaborate with the information owner anymore (for example, a former employee or contractor), this document will allow you to define what "confidential data" is and safeguard your financial interests for years to come.

You may download a Montana Non-Disclosure Agreement Template through the link below.


Montana NDA: How to Make?

If you want to ensure the validity of the Montana NDA you negotiate and sign with your counterpart is not challenged in the future, this contract has to contain the following provisions:

  1. Identification of the counterparts. Indicate the names and contact details of the parties - if the recipient of the data is a private individual, it is advised to add their driver's license number as well.
  2. List of confidential details . Avoid vague wording and refer to the documentation you cannot quote in full in the text of the NDA. It is important to separate the sensitive data from the information not covered by the contract - for example, generally, the receiving party is not responsible for keeping the details they knew before working with the disclosing party secret.
  3. Term of the agreement . It is up to you to decide for how long the data will be protected - you may state the contract is indefinite or limit it to several years; the latter option is reasonable if you are working in the industry where information has an expiration date.
  4. Remedies available in the event of a contract violation . The non-breaching party should reach out to their counterparty first and only then pursue legal action to claim damages.
  5. Non-compete clause . Prevent the employee that leaves your company from working for your local rival if you believe this employment will involve the disclosure of confidential information.
  6. Signatures of the parties . Alternatively, the papers can be signed by representatives that have valid authorization.
  7. Notary seal . Book an appointment with a notary public who will certify the intention of the parties to sign the deal.

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