Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Mississippi

Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Mississippi

Mississippi Non-Disclosure Agreement: What is it?

If you represent the interests of a business that wants to keep the sensitive information in its possession private, especially from the market competitors, you can offer the person or company that was granted access to this data to sign a Mississippi Non-Disclosure Agreement .

Whether you disclosed your marketing strategies to a contractor you worked with for a short time, your employee is planning to leave the organization and you want to make sure they do not share the financial records of the company with third parties, or your business partner has terminated your professional relationship after developing mutually beneficial trade secrets or designs, you have an opportunity to safeguard the proprietary details in question using an NDA.

A Mississippi Non-Disclosure Agreement Template can be found through the link below.


Mississippi NDA: How to Make?

Follow these guidelines to compose an effective Mississippi NDA that will let you ensure the information you have rights to remains confidential:

  1. Identify the parties by their full name and physical addresses.
  2. Determine what kind of information should be included in the agreement . If the list of details is too big, it may be a better idea to refer to other documents the recipient had access to - just make sure you include their titles, dates, and brief descriptions. You should also mention the information not covered by the contract - for instance, the data that was known to the receiving party before working with the owner of that information.
  3. State the non-disclosure period . It may be smart to offer an indefinite protection clause; however, most business strategies, trade secrets, and formulas expire within a few years, so do not oblige the recipient to keep them private without a valid reason.
  4. Include the non-compete clause that will not allow your former employee to work for your competitors in a specified location . If you are terminating an employment agreement signed by a person who helped you discover or develop the information you consider confidential, you may provide them with compensation and ask them not to file a job application to get a position in a company you believe is competing with you.
  5. Sign the documentation in the presence of a notary public . If either of the counterparts cannot be present at a signing, ask legal representatives to take care of the deal.

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