Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Massachusetts

Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Massachusetts

Massachusetts Non-Disclosure Agreement: What is it?

A Massachusetts Non-Disclosure Agreement refers to a legal instrument that lists the terms of the confidential relationship created between the owner of the sensitive information and the person or company that received it. If your goal is to protect the trade secrets, internal records, patterns, formulas, or designs you own, this document will help you guarantee all these details are not leaked by your employees, business partners, and clients.

A Massachusetts Non-Disclosure Agreement Template can be downloaded below.


Massachusetts NDA: How to Make?

To ensure your proprietary information is safe, a Massachusetts NDA you write needs to contain the following provisions:

  1. Identification of the parties . Write down the names, physical addresses, and telephone numbers of the counterparts. If the receiving party is an individual, you may also include their driver's license number.
  2. List of the sensitive details . The wording must be as specific as possible - any vague explanation of what is considered "confidential", and you may risk the disclosure of the information after the agreement is challenged and disputed in court.
  3. Duration of the agreement . If you think the best way to protect the information is to opt for an indefinite non-disclosure period, you may offer this provision to the other party. Nevertheless, most contracts of this kind have a limited duration - in most cases, it is enough to make the recipient promise they will keep the data secret for several months or years.
  4. Procedures to follow in case of a contract breach . It is recommended to indicate an option to reach out to the violating party first - usually, through a formal notice sent via traditional mail. Only after they ignore the request to stop or prevent the breach, the non-breaching party should prepare and file a lawsuit.
  5. Non-compete clause . If your company is parting ways with an employee that helped you to discover or develop sensitive information, you may prevent them from working for your direct rivals in the local area, especially if you are sure this employment opportunity will lead to the inevitable disclosure of the data. Note that you may need to offer your former employee a considerable lump-sum payment.
  6. Signatures of the parties and the date of signing.
  7. Notary seal . Visit a notary public who will verify the identities of the parties and put their seal under your signatures.

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