Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Kentucky

Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Kentucky

Kentucky Non-Disclosure Agreement: What is it?

A Kentucky Non-Disclosure Agreement refers to a written contract signed between two parties: one of them owns proprietary information and the other gets access to it and promises to keep it confidential.

In case you want to avoid the risk of unauthorized disclosure of sensitive data you have developed or discovered, you are entitled to offer the recipient of these details to sign a document that will protect your rights and interests, especially if you plan to earn money as a business using the information in question.

If you are looking for a Kentucky Non-Disclosure Agreement Template, you can download it below.


Kentucky NDA: How to Make?

Follow these guidelines to compose a Kentucky NDA will all the essential elements:

  1. Identify the parties to the agreement - the disclosing party and the recipient of the information - by their full names and addresses.
  2. Consider what is considered "confidential information" in line with the terms and conditions of the agreement . It will be different and unique depending on your situation - internal records of the company, marketing strategies, patterns, designs, formulas, and client lists. Moreover, you need to specify whether this arrangement involves mutual obligations or it is unilateral - for example, two organizations that work together may want to indicate the provisions of the NDA are mandatory for both parties while an employee leaving the employer will have a unilateral responsibility to keep the information secret.
  3. Determine the duration of the non-disclosure period . It may be tempting to ask for indefinite protection; however, if the data you are protecting will no longer have value in several years in an ever-changing industry, you may opt for a shorter term of the contract.
  4. Make the receiving party promise they will not seek employment with your local competitor if you are letting an employee go - this is called a non-compete clause . Note that in this case, you may have to pay them compensation since the individual is missing an employment opportunity.
  5. Sign the papers in the presence of a notary public . They will verify your identity and confirm the intention to sign the deal is mutual and there is no duress or deceit. Additionally, a notary seal under a document of this kind makes it harder to challenge the NDA if either party decided to dispute the terms later on.

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