Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Georgia (United States)

Non-disclosure Agreement Template - Georgia (United States)

Georgia Non-Disclosure Agreement: What is it?

A Georgia Non-Disclosure Agreement is a legal instrument used to outline the terms and conditions determined by two parties that give their consent not to disclose information they have learned while working together.

Used in a variety of industries, this contract allows to protect trade secrets, manufacturing procedures, formulas, patterns, and techniques that belong to one party - the owner of the information may share these details with someone else but the latter party has to keep the particulars secrets to protect the rights of the disclosing party.

If you are looking for a Georgia Non-Disclosure Agreement, you can download it through the link below.


Georgia NDA: How to Make?

To be considered valid, a Georgia NDA must contain the following provisions:

  1. Identification of the parties . It is advised to state the names and physical addresses of the disclosing party and the recipient to make sure the document is not challenged by one of the parties later on. Besides, it would be better to add the driver's license numbers if the document is negotiated and signed by individuals.
  2. List of confidential details that cannot be disclosed to any third parties . It is up to you to decide whether the NDA is mutual or unilateral - it will depend on the relationship you have had with the other party.
  3. Duration of the agreement . If the timeframe is not indicated in writing, the contract may be considered indefinite; however, if you want to avoid a wrong interpretation that may be necessary in case of a later disagreement or dispute, you definitely should enter the number of years the information is deemed confidential.
  4. Exclusions . There must be guarantees for the recipient - if the information becomes public knowledge and they are not involved in the disclosure, they cannot be held liable for the actions and decisions of other people or entities.
  5. Procedures to follow in the event of a contract violation . It is possible the parties will not file a lawsuit immediately upon learning about the breach - you may handle the situation by sending a formal notice or complaint.
  6. Notary seal. Book an appointment with a notary public who will confirm the identities of the counterparts and witness you signing the document . A notarized contract will be legally enforceable and accepted by authorities and courts alike.

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