DJ Invoice Template

DJ Invoice Template

A DJ Invoice is created by a DJ when they are presenting their client with a bill for carrying out specific DJ services. Normally a DJ will be hired for big events with a large crowd and venue. If a DJ is working professionally, they will rely on these timely payments to earn a living. Therefore it is extremely important that they invoice their customers as quickly and as effortlessly as possible which in turn, will ensure that you get paid promptly.

Alternate Name:

  • Disk Jockey Invoice.

Once the DJ completes the agreed work, they can present an Invoice for DJ services to the customer that hired them. Depending on the agreement with the client, you may request payment before completing your services. If this is the case, you must present the client with an invoice prior to the event.

A DJ Invoice template can be downloaded by clicking the link below.


How to Make a DJ Invoice?

The invoice will contain a detailed list of all of the services and equipment required to host the event. By creating a simple invoice you will save yourself time and money - ruling out the time-consuming need to constantly chase clients up about delayed payments. By using DJ invoice templates, you can create a generic template that is best suited to your DJ services and instead of creating a new invoice every time, you can simply edit the existing template by changing the customer details, services and price.

Making a DJ Invoice is fairly simple - as long as you know about the various elements that should be present in all invoices. We have compiled a list of these elements which can be found below:

  • Specify your own details including your full name, your DJ organization or company name and the full business address;
  • If you have got a company logo and/or slogan, you should include it too as it will make it look even more professional;
  • Note down the details of your customer: their name and contact information;
  • Designate the invoice a unique number - this will make it easier to keep track of the customers that have already paid and the one's that you are still awaiting payment from;
  • Produce a detailed list of all services and equipment used with a breakdown of their quantity and price. Then state the overall sum due;
  • State the deadline date for any payments and include the conditions which will come into effect if the payment is delayed.

Still looking for a particular template? Take a look a the related templates below:

Download DJ Invoice Template

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  • DJ Invoice Template


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  • DJ Invoice Template, Page 1
  • DJ Invoice Template, Page 2
  • DJ Invoice Template, Page 3