Artist Invoice Template

Artist Invoice Template

An Artist Invoice is a document used to confirm that an art project has been successfully completed and requests payment from the party that requested the project. As an artist, you know better than anyone the number of hours and effort that go into creating the perfect work of art that you are proud of and would like to sell to a customer. Naturally, as an artist, you want to ensure that you are paid in a timely manner for your work and the last thing you want to do is waste your time chasing up customers to submit payment.

Alternate Name:

  • Freelance Artist Invoice.

Creating your own invoice using Artist Invoice templates will not only save you considerable time, allowing you to focus on your work but it will also show your clients that you are a professional in your field. It also saves you money as you rule out the need for an accountant.

A well-made invoice will provide a thorough list of all of the various products and services that have been applied to the project with a breakdown of their price. This will make it easy for the client to visualize what work has gone into the project, meaning they know exactly what they are paying for.

An Artist Invoice template can be downloaded by clicking the link below.


How to Make an Artist Invoice?

Once you have selected the ideal template for you and the services you offer, ensure that your invoice contains the following pieces of information:

  • Your name;
  • The name of your organization and the contact details;
  • If you have a company logo you should include this too;
  • Provide details of the client including their full name, telephone number, and address;
  • Give the invoice a unique number that will help you track the payment status of the invoice. It is also useful in case the client loses the invoice;
  • State the date that the invoice was formed and the deadline date for any payments;
  • Provided a detailed list of all services and goods required to successfully complete the project. You should also state their quantity, price per quantity, and overall price;
  • If there are any additional conditions regarding payments, for example, information regarding missed payments, you should include this information at the end;
  • Save your invoice as a .pdf file and send it to the customer. The quickest and easiest way to do this is via email as it ensures that the client receives it instantly.

Still looking for a particular template? Take a look at the related templates below:

Download Artist Invoice Template

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  • Artist Invoice Template


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  • Artist Invoice Template, Page 1
  • Artist Invoice Template, Page 2
  • Artist Invoice Template, Page 3