Trailer Bill of Sale Template

Trailer Bill of Sale Template

What Is a Bill of Sale for a Trailer?

When you have a trailer you are interested in selling you will need to first put together a Bill of Sale for a Trailer before you can hand off ownership. This document will include details about both the buyer and seller, an agreement about the trailer in its as-is condition, and all other relevant details.

A Trailer Bill of Sale template can be downloaded below.


How to Sell a Trailer?

There are many ways to sell a trailer, but the two main sources customers most often utilize are online marketplaces or weekly automotive circulars. Sites (and printed posts) such as Kelly Blue Book are a great way to connect buyers and sellers for all types of vehicles and vehicular accessories.

  1. You can post your trailer on these sites since they will be the sites that people frequent most often.

  2. Create a post using keywords a buyer is most likely to use (for example, trailer, condition, two- or 4-wheels, and son).

  3. Give a description of the trailer, detailing its age, condition, any amenities included with the trailer (such as hookups for water or gas, storage, lock system), and the condition of the tires.

  4. Provide a listed sale price and if you are willing to negotiate on the listing or not.

  5. Include a way for an interested seller to contact you.

    • Note, if this is done online, most classifieds related sites will provide a confidential way for an interested person to contact you so that you do not need to post your contact information publicly.
  6. Once you have posted your trailer, remember to refresh your listing every week or so to make sure it appears at the top of the search listings.

How to Write a Bill of Sale for a Trailer?

To craft a Generic Bill of Sale for a Trailer, follow these steps below:

  1. Header at the top of the page reading "Trailer Bill of Sale."

  2. Include an opening statement that the purpose of this bill is a record for a Simple Bill of Sale for a Trailer for the a seller (provide seller's name), a buyer (provide buyer's name), and the date of sale.

  3. Provide an amount that both the seller and buyer agree to as the price for the trailer.

    • You can also opt to trade the trailer for something in return, as long as both parties sign off that the trade is fair;
    • Include how the buyer will be purchasing the trailer (such as cash, digital payment, or check).
  4. Describe the make, model, year of the trailer, its dimensions, weight, and number of axles.

    • Provide all additional details, for example a custom paint job or additional upgrades;
    • If this trailer has a history of repairs or accidents, list each of these occurrences and any further details concerning the trailer, and an initial section for the buyer that states they have been made aware of these details (such as a door lock that sticks sometimes or a noticeable dent in the bumper).
  5. List the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

  6. If there are additional state or local taxes due at the time of sale, include the amount owed and which party will be responsible for paying them.

  7. A transfer title section that the title of the trailer will be transferred from the buyer to the seller once the document has been signed.

  8. A final agreement section that the buyer agrees to all the information listed above and will not hold the seller responsible for future repairs.

  9. Final signature and date section for parties of the sale.

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