Surgery Consent Form

Surgery Consent Form

What Is a Surgery Consent Form?

A Surgery Consent Form is given to a patient after they have received all of the important information regarding a medical procedure. By signing the Surgery Consent Form, the patient confirms that they have received the information (which is also outlined in the form) and they agree to have the procedure carried out.

Alternate Name:

  • Surgical Consent Form.

If there are any risks involved, no matter if the probability is extremely low - the patient should be clearly made aware of such risks. These risks should also be included in the consent form itself so the patient can sign and verify that they were aware and consent to the procedure.

If there is a need to administer anesthesia during a surgery, usually details of this are provided in a separate clause. This is because there are additional risks associated with administering anesthesia and it is considered a separate procedure from the surgery itself. The same applies for any blood transfusions that could take place - there is usually a separate clause outlining the risks involved.

Once the patient has received all of this information and has had time to process it, if they are happy to continue with the procedure, they should sign and date the form and hand it over to the medical staff.

A Surgery Consent Form template can be downloaded by clicking the link below.

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