Notarized Bill of Sale Template

Notarized Bill of Sale Template

What Is a Notarized Bill of Sale?

A Notarized Bill of Sale is a typed or handwritten contract prepared to specify the details of the sale and purchase of property and witnessed by a notary public during its formalization. If you are getting your bill of sale notarized, you can safeguard the change of ownership from one counterpart to the other, check the identity of the seller or the buyer if you do not know each other well, and reduce the likelihood of fraud. Besides, if the item you are selling is expensive such as a vehicle or vessel, it is better the contract is registered and witnessed by a public officer.

You can download a Notarized Bill of Sale template through the link below. To draft an enforceable agreement that protects the interests of both counterparts, you need to identify the former and new owners of the item, state the features of the goods in question, indicate the value of the items, list the guarantees and warranties the seller is willing to give to the buyer, and sign the papers


How to Get a Bill of Sale Notarized?

Follow several simple steps to get a Notarized Bill of Sale Form:

  1. Ensure the location of the notarization is the same as the location the deal was finalized . While there are no direct restrictions that forbid the owner and purchaser to sign the agreement in one state and notarize it in a different place, you may want to avoid disputes over the bill of sale - its authenticity may be questioned if the notary public is based in a different state. There is, however, an exception - it is possible to notarize the papers in a neighbor state if the seller and buyer live far away from each other.
  2. Prior to choosing a notary public, draft the bill of sale properly - this way, you will save your time and the time of the public officer . It is advised to leave the field where you state the date of signing blank - in case one of the counterparts is unable to visit the notary public's office, you will not have to print another copy of the agreement. Obviously, the fields where you write your signatures and full names have to remain blank until the notary public checks your identification documentation to confirm you are who you say you are.
  3. Book an appointment with a notary public . You will only have to bring two copies of the bill of sale and the documentation that confirms your identity. Once you are in front of the notary public, they will tell you when you are allowed to sign the papers and make your contract legally enforceable.

Where to Get a Bill of Sale Notarized?

Traditionally, a notary public is a public officer assigned with the task to witness the formalization of different agreements, deeds, and bills of sale. If you do not have a recommendation from a relative or friend or this is the first agreement of this kind you are preparing, you can just find the notary public closest to your location and call them to make an appointment for yourself and the other person.

Alternatively, you may go to a county clerk's office and inquire if they have the legal authority to witness your deal. Even if the county clerk is not authorized to witness legal acts of this kind and put their signature and seal on your contract, they will be able to tell you should a bill of sale be notarized at all and if there is any need to submit a copy of the bill of sale with the authorities to obtain a formal record of the sale and purchase.

What States Require a Bill of Sale Notarized?

While most states do not ask the counterparts to a bill of sale to obtain a notary seal for their agreement, there are a few exceptions: Louisiana, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, and West Virginia laws request the seller and buyer to appear in the office of a notary public who will verify their identities and confirm the authenticity of their signatures under the bill of sale.

You may be wondering - is a Notarized Bill of Sale legally binding in my area? You can find out that information from the notary public during your visit. But if the contract contains the essential elements of the agreement - the identification of the counterparts, the main characteristics of the items to be transferred, the purchase price, and the signatures of the seller and purchaser, you can be assured it will be accepted and recognized by private individuals, authorities, and courts whether you want to sell the property you buy in the future or you find any errors in the text of the document.

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