Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order - 199th Judicial District - Collin County, Texas

Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order - 199th Judicial District - Collin County, Texas

Jury Trial Scheduling Order - 199th Judicial District is a legal document that was released by the District Court - Collin County, Texas - a government authority operating within Texas. The form may be used strictly within Collin County.


Q: What is the Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan?
A: The Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan is a plan that governs the discovery process in a jury trial in the 199th Judicial District of Collin County, Texas.

Q: What is the purpose of the Discovery Control Plan?
A: The purpose of the Discovery Control Plan is to ensure the efficient and timely exchange of information between the parties involved in a jury trial.

Q: What does the Discovery Control Plan cover?
A: The Discovery Control Plan covers various aspects of the discovery process, including the timing of disclosures, the form and scope of discovery, and the preservation of evidence.

Q: Who is responsible for implementing the Discovery Control Plan?
A: The parties involved in the jury trial are responsible for implementing and adhering to the Discovery Control Plan.

Q: What is a Scheduling Order?
A: A Scheduling Order is a court order that sets out the specific deadlines and timeframes for various stages of a jury trial, including discovery, pretrial motions, and trial dates.

Q: What does the Scheduling Order do?
A: The Scheduling Order ensures that the jury trial progresses in an organized and timely manner by setting out the timeframe and deadlines for different trial-related activities.

Q: Who issues the Scheduling Order?
A: The judge presiding over the jury trial issues the Scheduling Order.

Q: How is the Scheduling Order determined?
A: The Scheduling Order is determined based on the input and agreement of the parties involved in the jury trial, as well as the court's guidance and discretion.

Q: What happens if the parties do not comply with the Discovery Control Plan or the Scheduling Order?
A: Failure to comply with the Discovery Control Plan or the Scheduling Order may result in sanctions imposed by the court, such as dismissal of claims or exclusion of evidence.


Form Details:

  • The latest edition currently provided by the District Court - Collin County, Texas;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a printable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the District Court - Collin County, Texas.

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  • Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order - 199th Judicial District - Collin County, Texas


  • Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order - 199th Judicial District - Collin County, Texas, Page 2


  • Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order - 199th Judicial District - Collin County, Texas, Page 1
  • Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order - 199th Judicial District - Collin County, Texas, Page 2