Order Modifying Custody and Support - Wyoming

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Order Modifying Custody and Support - Wyoming

Order Modifying Custody and Support is a legal document that was released by the Wyoming District Court - a government authority operating within Wyoming.


Q: What is a custody order?
A: A custody order is a legal document that determines the custodial arrangements for a child, including who will have physical and legal custody.

Q: What is a support order?
A: A support order is a legal document that determines the financial obligations of one parent to the other for the support of their child.

Q: What does it mean to modify a custody order?
A: Modifying a custody order means making changes to the existing custody arrangements, such as changing the custody schedule or changing the primary custodial parent.

Q: What does it mean to modify a support order?
A: Modifying a support order means making changes to the existing financial obligations, such as adjusting the amount of child support or adding additional support provisions.

Q: Who can request a modification of custody and support orders?
A: Either parent or a legal guardian can request a modification of custody and support orders. However, they generally need to show a significant change in circumstances to justify the modification.

Q: How can I request a modification of custody and support orders in Wyoming?
A: To request a modification of custody and support orders in Wyoming, you will need to file a motion with the court that issued the original order. You may also need to provide supporting documents and attend a hearing.

Q: What factors does the court consider when deciding whether to modify a custody order?
A: The court considers the best interests of the child, the child's relationship with each parent, any history of domestic violence or substance abuse, and any other relevant factors.

Q: What factors does the court consider when deciding whether to modify a support order?
A: The court considers the financial needs of the child, each parent's income and financial resources, any changes in the financial circumstances of either parent, and any other relevant factors.

Q: Can I modify custody and support orders without going to court?
A: Generally, no. Modifying custody and support orders usually requires filing a motion with the court and attending a hearing. However, if both parents agree to the modification, they may be able to file a joint stipulation with the court.

Q: What is the process for modifying custody and support orders in Wyoming?
A: The process for modifying custody and support orders in Wyoming typically involves filing a motion, providing notice to the other parent, exchanging financial information, attending a hearing, and obtaining a court order.

Q: Can I modify custody and support orders from another state in Wyoming?
A: Yes, you can request a modification of custody and support orders from another state in Wyoming. However, you will need to comply with Wyoming's laws and procedures for modification.

Q: Do I need a lawyer to modify custody and support orders in Wyoming?
A: While it is not required to have a lawyer, it is recommended to consult with a family law attorney who can guide you through the process and advocate for your rights and interests.


Form Details:

  • Released on July 1, 2018;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Wyoming District Court;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

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