Form F-01009B Wisconsin Medicaid Election of Hospice Benefit for Members 21 and Older - Wisconsin (Hmong)

Form F-01009B Wisconsin Medicaid Election of Hospice Benefit for Members 21 and Older - Wisconsin (Hmong)

This is a legal form that was released by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services - a government authority operating within Wisconsin.

The document is provided in Hmong. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is Form F-01009B Wisconsin Medicaid?
A: Form F-01009B is used to elect the Hospice Benefit for Wisconsin Medicaid members aged 21 and older.

Q: Who can use Form F-01009B?
A: This form is for Wisconsin Medicaid members who are aged 21 and older and wish to elect the Hospice Benefit.

Q: What is the Hospice Benefit?
A: The Hospice Benefit provides medical care, support, and comfort to individuals with terminal illnesses.

Q: Why would someone elect the Hospice Benefit?
A: Individuals may choose to elect the Hospice Benefit to receive specialized care focused on their comfort and quality of life during their terminal illness.

Q: Is Hospice Benefit available only in Wisconsin?
A: Yes, Form F-01009B is specific to Wisconsin Medicaid members as it is used to elect the Hospice Benefit in Wisconsin.

Q: Is there an age requirement to use Form F-01009B?
A: Yes, you must be 21 years or older to use this form and elect the Hospice Benefit.

Q: Can I use Form F-01009B for a family member or someone else?
A: No, Form F-01009B is specifically for Wisconsin Medicaid members to elect the Hospice Benefit for themselves.

Q: What should I do with Form F-01009B once I have completed it?
A: Once completed, you should submit Form F-01009B to your local Wisconsin Medicaid office or follow the instructions provided on the form.

Q: Can I change my election of the Hospice Benefit?
A: Yes, you can change or revoke your election of the Hospice Benefit at any time by contacting your local Wisconsin Medicaid office.


Form Details:

  • Released on December 1, 2010;
  • The latest edition provided by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Available in Spanish;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;

Download a fillable version of Form F-01009B by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Download Form F-01009B Wisconsin Medicaid Election of Hospice Benefit for Members 21 and Older - Wisconsin (Hmong)

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