Reasonable Accommodation Request Form - New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority

Reasonable Accommodation Request Form - New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority

The Reasonable Accommodation Request Form of the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority is used to request accommodations or modifications in housing for individuals with disabilities.

According to the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority, the tenant or applicant is responsible for filing the Reasonable Accommodation Request Form.


Q: What is the Reasonable Accommodation Request Form?
A: The Reasonable Accommodation Request Form is a form used to request accommodations from the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority.

Q: Who should fill out the Reasonable Accommodation Request Form?
A: Any individual or household seeking accommodations from the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority should fill out the form.

Q: What kind of accommodations can be requested?
A: Any accommodations that are necessary due to a disability or other protected status can be requested.

Q: Are there any deadlines for submitting the form?
A: There may be specific deadlines for submitting the form, so it's important to check the instructions provided with the form.

Q: Is there any cost associated with submitting the form?
A: There is no cost associated with submitting the Reasonable Accommodation Request Form.

Q: What happens after submitting the form?
A: After submitting the form, the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority will review the request and determine if the requested accommodations can be provided.

Q: What if my request for accommodations is denied?
A: If your request for accommodations is denied, you may have the option to appeal the decision.

Q: Who can I contact for more information about the Reasonable Accommodation Request Form?
A: You can contact the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority directly for more information about the form and the accommodations process.


Download Reasonable Accommodation Request Form - New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority

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