Volunteer / Intern Waiver - Idaho

Volunteer / Intern Waiver - Idaho

Volunteer/Intern Waiver is a legal document that was released by the Idaho Department of Correction - a government authority operating within Idaho.


Q: What is a volunteer/intern waiver?
A: A volunteer/intern waiver is a legal document that volunteers or interns may be required to sign before participating in certain activities.

Q: What is the purpose of a volunteer/intern waiver?
A: The purpose of a volunteer/intern waiver is to waive certain legal rights and hold the organization or employer harmless from any liability or claims that may arise during the course of volunteering or interning.

Q: Who may be required to sign a volunteer/intern waiver?
A: Volunteers and interns may be required to sign a volunteer/intern waiver depending on the organization or employer's policies and the nature of the activities they will be involved in.

Q: What does a volunteer/intern waiver typically cover?
A: A volunteer/intern waiver typically covers areas such as assumption of risk, release of liability, confidentiality, indemnification, and agreement to follow rules and regulations.

Q: Are volunteer/intern waivers legally binding?
A: Volunteer/intern waivers can be legally binding, but their enforceability may vary depending on several factors, including state laws and the specific language used in the waiver.

Q: Are volunteer/intern waivers mandatory?
A: Whether or not volunteer/intern waivers are mandatory depends on the organization or employer's policies and the nature of the activities involved. It is best to check with the organization or employer in question.

Q: Can a volunteer/intern waiver protect an organization from all liability?
A: A volunteer/intern waiver can provide some level of protection for an organization or employer, but it may not protect against all types of claims or liabilities. It is important to consult with legal counsel to ensure adequate protection.

Q: What should I do if I have concerns about a volunteer/intern waiver?
A: If you have concerns about a volunteer/intern waiver, it is recommended to seek legal advice or consult with the organization or employer to address your concerns and understand your rights before signing the waiver.


Form Details:

  • Released on July 10, 2014;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Idaho Department of Correction;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a printable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Idaho Department of Correction.

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  • Volunteer / Intern Waiver - Idaho, Page 2