Monitoring Well Construction Practice Exam - Oregon

Monitoring Well Construction Practice Exam - Oregon

Monitoring Well Construction Practice Exam is a legal document that was released by the Oregon Water Resources Department - a government authority operating within Oregon.


Q: What is the purpose of a monitoring well?
A: A monitoring well is used to monitor groundwater quality and quantity.

Q: What are some common methods used for monitoring well construction?
A: Some common methods include direct-push drilling, hollow-stem auger drilling, and rotary drilling.

Q: What are the main steps involved in monitoring well construction?
A: The main steps include site selection, drilling the borehole, installing the casing and screen, and developing and sampling the well.

Q: What are some factors to consider when selecting a monitoring well location?
A: Factors to consider include the presence of potential contamination sources, proximity to the area of interest, and accessibility for future maintenance and sampling.

Q: What are some best practices for drilling a monitoring well?
A: Best practices include maintaining proper borehole stability, using appropriate drilling fluids, and ensuring proper well construction and screen installation.

Q: What is the purpose of installing casing and screen in a monitoring well?
A: Casing and screen are used to prevent borehole collapse, filter out sediment, and allow water to enter the well while keeping out debris.

Q: What is well development and why is it important?
A: Well development involves removing fine sediment and improving water flow within the well. It is important to ensure accurate sampling and long-term monitoring.

Q: How is water sampled from a monitoring well?
A: Different methods include using a bailer, a submersible pump, or a dedicated monitoring well pump to collect water samples.

Q: What are some key considerations for monitoring well maintenance?
A: Regular inspection, cleaning, and disinfection of the well, as well as periodic testing for water quality, are important for maintaining the reliability and accuracy of monitoring data.

Q: What regulations and guidelines apply to monitoring well construction in Oregon?
A: In Oregon, monitoring well construction is subject to regulations outlined by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and guidelines provided by professional organizations such as the National Ground Water Association (NGWA).


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  • The latest edition currently provided by the Oregon Water Resources Department;
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  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

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