FAA Form 8500-8 Application for Airman Medical Certificate

FAA Form 8500-8 Application for Airman Medical Certificate

What Is FAA Form 8500-8?

FAA Form 8500-8, application for Airman Medical Certificate , is used to confirm if an applicant is physically safe to fly when a person is completing their requirements to become a certified pilot or renewing their certificate with the Federal Aviation Administration.

Form 8500-8 was issued by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and was last updated on . A fillable 8500-8 FAA Form is available for download below.


Form FAA 8500-8 Instructions

Follow the FAA instructions for completing Form 8500-8 listed below:

  1. Signify which certificate (Airman Medical Certificate or Airman Medical and Student Pilot Certificate) pertains to this application.
  2. Class of medical certificate.
  3. General information of the applicant (name, social security number, address, birth date, citizenship, gender, eye color).
  4. Type of certificates currently held by the Airman applicant.
  5. Current employer and job title.
  6. Confirming if the applicant's certificate has ever been rejected or canceled and when this occurred.
  7. Applicant's total number of flight hours.
  8. Description of any prescribed medications the applicant is currently taking and if they need to wear contact lenses for near vision sight issues.
  9. The applicant then needs to answer a series of yes or no questions regarding their medical history, any medical issues the applicant has had at any point in their life, and if those issues have resulted in hospitalization or medical discharge from the military.
  10. Yes or no checkboxes for any legal infractions or disciplinary actions taken by an administrative board.
  11. Any visits to a health professional over the last three years, cause for the visit, and the contact information for any provider of health services utilized by the applicant.
  12. Signing an agreement to allow the FAA access to the applicant's driving record at the National Driver Register.

On the second page of the FAA Form 8500-8, a medical examiner will complete their notes for the physical and mental examination of the applicant. Note that this section of the application must be completed by the physician, not the applicant:

  1. Height and weight.
  2. At the top half of this page will be a comprehensive examination of each part of the applicant's body. The physician will have the choice to mark if a body part (such as sinuses, heart, spine, etc) are either "normal" or "abnormal" in appearance or function. Any abnormalities will need a further detailed description below the list.
  3. Hearing, vision, and urinalysis will then be conducted. Each ear and eye will be tested separately and any abnormalities will be described.
  4. Additional space is included for any extra examinations the physician may decide to include and results found.
  5. If abnormalities are found that would preclude the applicant from receiving a successful Airman Medical Certificate, a physician can require additional testing or issue a letter of denial.

Once the application for Airman Medical Certificate has been completed, an applicant will need to send or fax the application to:

Federal Aviation Administration, Aerospace Medical Certification Division / AAM-331, CAMI, Building 13, PO Box 25082 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125-9867

Fax number (405) 954-9326.

Download FAA Form 8500-8 Application for Airman Medical Certificate

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  • FAA Form 8500-8 Application for Airman Medical Certificate, Page 2


  • FAA Form 8500-8 Application for Airman Medical Certificate, Page 3


  • FAA Form 8500-8 Application for Airman Medical Certificate, Page 1
  • FAA Form 8500-8 Application for Airman Medical Certificate, Page 2
  • FAA Form 8500-8 Application for Airman Medical Certificate, Page 3