Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland

Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland

What Is Form CC-DR-078?

This is a legal form that was released by the Maryland Circuit Courts - a government authority operating within Maryland. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is Form CC-DR-078?
A: Form CC-DR-078 is the official petition for enforcement of an out-of-state custody order in Maryland.

Q: Who can use Form CC-DR-078?
A: Any person who has a valid out-of-state custody order and wants to enforce it in Maryland can use Form CC-DR-078.

Q: Why would someone use Form CC-DR-078?
A: Someone would use Form CC-DR-078 to seek enforcement of a custody order from another state when the other party is not complying with the order.

Q: How do I fill out Form CC-DR-078?
A: Follow the instructions provided with the form. You will need to provide information about yourself, the child, the custody order, and the violations you are seeking enforcement for.

Q: What should I do after filling out Form CC-DR-078?
A: After filling out the form, you should make several copies and file the original with the clerk of the circuit court in the county where the child is located.

Q: Are there any fees associated with filing Form CC-DR-078?
A: Yes, there are filing fees associated with filing Form CC-DR-078. The amount varies by county, so you should check with the clerk's office for the specific fee.

Q: What happens after I file Form CC-DR-078?
A: After you file Form CC-DR-078, the court will review your petition and schedule a hearing. Both parties will be notified of the hearing date and must attend.

Q: What can the court do if it finds the custody order has been violated?
A: If the court finds that the custody order has been violated, it can take various actions, including ordering the other party to comply with the order, modifying the order, or imposing penalties for non-compliance.

Q: Do I need an attorney to use Form CC-DR-078?
A: You are not required to have an attorney to use Form CC-DR-078, but it is recommended that you seek legal advice, especially if the case is complex or contentious.


Form Details:

  • Released on January 1, 2021;
  • The latest edition provided by the Maryland Circuit Courts;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of Form CC-DR-078 by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Maryland Circuit Courts.

Download Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland

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  • Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland


  • Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland, Page 2


  • Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland, Page 3


  • Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland, Page 4


  • Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland, Page 1
  • Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland, Page 2
  • Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland, Page 3
  • Form CC-DR-078 Petition for Enforcement of an Out-of-State Custody Order - Maryland, Page 4

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