DA Form 2166-8 NCO Evaluation Report

DA Form 2166-8 NCO Evaluation Report

What Is DA Form 2166-8?

DA Form 2166-8, NCO Evaluation Report , is a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) Evaluation Report used within the U.S. Army. This report is needed for a yearly evaluation of all Non-commissioned officers working within the Army and must be completed by supervising officers. The latest version of the form - sometimes mistakenly referred to as the "DD Form 2166-8" - was issued on August 1, 2015 , by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA).

An up-to-date fillable PDF DA Form 2166-8 is available for download below or can be found on the Army Publications Directorate (APD) website. The report is a part of a series of six forms used during NCO Evaluations. The links to all of these forms can be found below.


DA Form 2166-8 Instructions

The DA 2166-8 is regulated by the Department of the Army Pamphlet 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System. Filing procedures are as follows:

  1. Part I, Administrative Data , requires the NCO's basic personal information: their name, SSN, rank, contact information, and the appropriate identifying rates and codes.

  2. Part II, Authentication , requires the evaluating officer to provide their personal information in Box A. Boxes B and С require the same information from any senior raters or reviewers who are also participating in the rating process. All reviewers and raters have to sign off the final evaluation report before sending it further.

  3. Part III, Duty Description , requires the rater to provide their take on the NCO's assigned responsibilities and appointed duties covered during the rated year, along with a description of any areas of special emphasis.

  4. Part IV, Army Values/Attributes/Skills/Actions , is for evaluating the NCO's service according to the Army's core values and beliefs. The task of the evaluating officer is to decide whether the NCO meets all of the Army's core values and to provide any additional comments about the evaluation. This part continues with sections where the rater must evaluate the NCO's abilities in five specific areas:

    • Confidence;
    • Physical fitness and military bearing;
    • Leadership;
    • Training;
    • Responsibility and accountability.
  5. There are four possible grades: "Excellence" (exceeding the standard), "Success" (meeting the standard), "Some need for improvement," "Much need for improvement."

  6. After providing an evaluation of the specific areas mentioned above, the evaluating officer and senior raters are asked to provide an overall assessment of the NCO's yearly performance in Part V, Overall Performance and Potential .

DA 2166-8 Related Forms:

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