Q: What is the Form 03-NGIS-YPA?
A: The Form 03-NGIS-YPA is the Young Person Assent Form for the National Genomic Research Library in the United Kingdom.
Q: Who is the Form 03-NGIS-YPA for?
A: The Form 03-NGIS-YPA is for young people between the ages of 6 and 15.
Q: What is the purpose of the Form 03-NGIS-YPA?
A: The purpose of the Form 03-NGIS-YPA is to obtain assent from young people to participate in the National Genomic Research Library.
Q: What is the National Genomic Research Library?
A: The National Genomic Research Library is a research project in the United Kingdom that collects and analyzes genomic data.
Q: Why is assent important?
A: Assent is important to ensure that young people understand and agree to participate in the research project.
Q: Is the Form 03-NGIS-YPA only applicable in the United Kingdom?
A: Yes, the Form 03-NGIS-YPA is specific to the United Kingdom.
Q: Is parental consent required in addition to young person assent?
A: Yes, parental consent is also required for young people to participate in the National Genomic Research Library.