Instructions for Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 Transferee / Co-permittee Application for an Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (Escgp) for Earth Disturbance Associated With Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities - Pennsylvania

Instructions for Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 Transferee / Co-permittee Application for an Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (Escgp) for Earth Disturbance Associated With Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities - Pennsylvania

This document contains official instructions for Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 , Transferee/Co-permittee Application for an Erosion and Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities - a form released and collected by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. An up-to-date fillable Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 is available for download through this link.


Q: What is Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009?
A: Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 is an application for an Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (Escgp) used for earth disturbance associated with oil and gas operations in Pennsylvania.

Q: Who should use Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009?
A: Any individual or company involved in oil and gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations or transmission facilities in Pennsylvania should use this form.

Q: What is the purpose of the Escgp?
A: The purpose of the Escgp is to ensure proper erosion and sediment control measures are implemented during oil and gas operations to protect water quality and prevent pollution.

Q: What is considered earth disturbance associated with oil and gas operations?
A: Earth disturbance associated with oil and gas operations includes activities such as well pad construction, pipeline installation, access road construction, and other similar activities.

Q: Are there any fees associated with submitting this form?
A: Yes, there are fees associated with submitting this form. The fee amount depends on the project size and type of permit being applied for.

Q: What documents should be included with Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009?
A: Along with the completed form, you should include project plans, erosion and sediment control plans, stormwater management plans, and any other required supporting documents.

Q: How long does it take to process the application?
A: The processing time for the application varies, but it typically takes several weeks to review and issue the permit.

Q: Can I start earth disturbance activities before receiving the permit?
A: No, you must receive the Escgp permit before starting any earth disturbance activities associated with oil and gas operations.


Instruction Details:

  • This 2-page document is available for download in PDF;
  • Actual and applicable for the current year;
  • Complete, printable, and free.

Download your copy of the instructions by clicking the link below or browse hundreds of other forms in our library of forms released by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

Download Instructions for Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 Transferee / Co-permittee Application for an Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (Escgp) for Earth Disturbance Associated With Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities - Pennsylvania

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  • Instructions for Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 Transferee/Co-permittee Application for an Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (Escgp) for Earth Disturbance Associated With Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities - Pennsylvania


  • Instructions for Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 Transferee/Co-permittee Application for an Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (Escgp) for Earth Disturbance Associated With Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities - Pennsylvania, Page 2


  • Instructions for Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 Transferee / Co-permittee Application for an Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (Escgp) for Earth Disturbance Associated With Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities - Pennsylvania, Page 1
  • Instructions for Form 8000-PM-OOGM0009 Transferee / Co-permittee Application for an Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (Escgp) for Earth Disturbance Associated With Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities - Pennsylvania, Page 2