Sample Mba Recommendation Letter

Sample Mba Recommendation Letter

An MBA Recommendation Letter is a document that can be used when an individual would like to apply for a Master of Business Administration program and needs a reference to support their application. The purpose of the document is to describe the applicant to the admission committee (or another business school department that is responsible for processing recommendation letters) and show them as a promising candidate.

Alternate Name:

  • Masters in Business Administration.

Generally, a Letter of Recommendation for an MBA is supposed to be prepared by the candidate's current supervisor, manager, or someone who has observed your work for some period of time. Some business schools have special requirements for the recommendation letters they accept (as for who can write them and other aspects), so make sure you checked their official website or contacted their admission director. A sample MBA Recommendation Letter can be downloaded below.

If you were asked to write a Letter of Recommendation for an MBA candidate, you should take this request very seriously since your letter might affect whether the applicant will be accepted for the program or not. If you feel that you are not able to provide the candidate with a good recommendation letter, then it is better to refuse to do it rather than writing a bad reference letter.


How to Write an MBA Recommendation Letter?

If you decided to accept the request and write a recommendation letter but do not know where to start you can look for an MBA Recommendation Letter sample online just to get a picture of it. Once you got a major idea, you can begin writing your own letter that can consist of the following parts:

  1. Information About the Addressee . The letter should start with you designating the name and the address of the recipient of the letter. If you do not know who you are supposed to address the best thing you should do is ask the candidate who has requested the letter or check the website of the business school they apply for.
  2. Information About the Sender . After stating the receiver of the letter you can designate your name and your address for identification purposes.
  3. Introduction . Here, you can introduce yourself (by stating your name and work position), and explain the circumstances in which you know the candidate (for how long have you known them, how often you interact with them, what is the nature of your professional relationship).
  4. Recommendation Details . In this part of the letter, you can go into details about why you think the program applicant should be accepted into the business school. It is up to you what kind of format to choose for this part, however, many individuals find it more convenient to divide it into several paragraphs dedicated to different subjects (such as the candidate's achievements, personal qualities, skills, relationship with people, etc.).
  5. Conclusion . At the end of the document, you can sum up all of the information you have presented below and designate why you think the candidate should be accepted into the MBA program of their choice.

Sample Letter of Recommendation for MBA Program

Dear Admissions Office,

My name is Zoe Calabria

, and I am a professor of economics at the Ohio College of Arts and Sciences. I am writing this letter to support the candidacy of my former student, Helen Carter, for admission to the MBA program at the Ohio State University.

I had the pleasure of working with Helen for two years as her teacher and mentor. She took my economics class, and from the first day of attending lectures and seminars has demonstrated her intellect and devotion to education. Helen has earned superior grades and not only in economics but also in other subjects, showing her readiness to work hard and natural curiosity. She has accomplished all the tasks in a timely and courteous manner, has always interacted in class, and has proven she has leadership qualities leading many study groups by example.

Helen's ability to learn quickly and analyze data has allowed her to become a knowledgeable and insightful individual. No matter the task, she has always been ready to tackle any problem and find the best solution while some of her peers struggled. Nevertheless, she did not focus solely on her studies but also took some time to help her fellow students whenever they had difficulties with understanding the assignment or could not find a correct approach to an issue we examined in class.

Helen has informed me about her interest in the program you offer for a limited number of applicants, and I know she is well-equipped to meet every academic challenge head-on and show you she is the right choice for the program. I have no doubts she will achieve a lot in the future, and the MBA degree she can obtain at your university will be of massive help to her and her aspirations. Helen wants to graduate and work as a business operations manager - she worked as an intern for a Morgan State Bank, and her employer and colleagues had nothing but praise for her talent and work ethic.

I wholeheartedly believe in Helen's potential and capability to accomplish even more as an MBA student. As someone who has seen her overcome academic struggles with ease, I am sure I can correctly assess her skills and promise and judge her character fairly. If you have any concerns about her application, do not hesitate to reach out to me via e-mail at


Zoe Calabria

Sample MBA Recommendation Letter From Employer

To whom it may concern,

My name is John Gilroy

, I have been working as a direct sales supervisor at the Concordia Momentum LLC for the last five years, and it is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for my subordinate Angela Russell, currently a candidate to enroll in the Hull School of Management and pursue the MBA program.

I have been working with Angela for two years, and she has proven to be a consummate professional. She came to our company as an intern and was promoted to the paid position three months after her first day of work - currently Angela negotiates and oversees contract signing with VIP clients of our business. Her ability to bring fresh ideas to the table, generate leads and capture the interest of any customer, to show flexibility and varied approach when it comes to the most difficult clients and tricky situations are unparalleled. The sales reports we have drafted together have demonstrated our sales skyrocketed after she joined the team, and she keeps inspiring new employees and impressing senior management of the organization with her skills and unorthodox vision.

I have been closely observing Angela's performance and her communication with peers and customers. Even under immense pressure, she manages to keep calm, maintain composure and patience, and find a solution to any issue that gets in her way. Despite Angela's young age - she is only 23 - her drive, ambition, and resourcefulness have pleasantly surprised all her colleagues, as well as me, which was one of the many reasons she was so quickly offered a permanent position at our company.

Recently Angela has informed me about her desire to further develop her skills and take a 2-year degree course to study business practices and the application of management principles. She already has decent job experience that will help her succeed at the academic path she has chosen for herself, and I am sure you will benefit greatly from accepting her as a student. Just like her colleagues and managers, I support her decision to pursue a new opportunity - the business will continue to thrive also since she plans to balance her study time with part-time employment. If you have any additional questions about Angela, you may contact me at and I will be glad to tell you more about her.

Best regards,

John Gilroy

Sample MBA Recommendation Letter From Peer

To Questrom School of Business,

This letter endorses Felicity Graham's application for the MBA program offered by your institution. My name is Joseph Stones

, and I have been Felicity's classmate for the last four years - we have been studying financial management together at Washington College. I had the opportunity to observe Felicity's hard work and diligence and I believe she is the perfect candidate for admission to the MBA course.

Felicity has demonstrated her willingness to devote herself to studies and achieve success even if it takes time and a lot of effort. We collaborated on multiple projects and she has never shied away from a challenge. Felicity's extraordinary ability to quickly understand advanced concepts and apply them to real-world situations has impressed me, other students, and professors. She has earned perfect grades and never missed a class putting her studies above all other commitments in her life. Additionally, Felicity has been actively involved in extra-curricular activities being a vice-president of the Finance Club at our college - she connected with her peers who share her love for the discipline and promoted a hands-on approach to education for younger students.

Only personal traits can rival Felicity's academic achievements. She has shown compassion and patience helping fellow students understand complex notions stepping in with encouragement and eagerness to assist them whenever they struggled. Felicity has always been active in class and interacted with eloquence and passion. She has demonstrated a positive attitude and maturity at all times and inspired other students with her enthusiasm even during the difficult period of adjustment to online classes.

I wholeheartedly support my classmate Felicity who I am proud to call my friend and I am confident she will thrive in a competitive academic environment. She plans to graduate and become a financial analyst - Felicity currently undergoes an internship training program she will tell you about in her application and her managers are pleased with her dedication and constant urge to improve her skills and maximize her performance. Consider her candidacy - to my knowledge, Felicity has never disappointed her peers and professors who put their faith in her and her expertise.

If you have any questions regarding Felicity's academic work or personal qualities, please feel free to e-mail me at, I will be glad to tell you more about a person who will be a perfect fit for the MBA program you have advertised.

Best wishes,

Joseph Stones

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