Mission Trip Fundraising Letter Template

Mission Trip Fundraising Letter Template

A Mission Trip Fundraising Letter is a written request prepared by an individual or organization that plans to travel domestically or abroad to spread the religious doctrine and often help out communities in need.

Alternate Name:

  • Mission Trip Donation Letter.

This document has the purpose to gather monetary donations to finance the upcoming journey - convince donors that have helped you in the past or potentially generous people and companies to finance the trip, allow you to broaden your horizons, share your beliefs, and improve the lives of people who urgently require financial and moral support. You can download a Mission Trip Fundraising Letter template via the link below.


How to Write a Mission Trip Support Letter?

Here is how you should compose a Mission Trip Fundraising Letter:

  1. Start with a greeting . It is unlikely you will draft and send more than a hundred letters so do your best to personalize each one of them, even if the only detail that changes from note to note is the name of the recipient.
  2. Enter your own name or the name of the entity you represent . Share your mission trip plans, the dates of the journey, and the place you are going to visit. It is a good idea to focus on helping other people in need, not just your personal aspirations to strengthen your faith.
  3. Include one or two paragraphs to explain the details of the mission and tell the letter recipient about yourself, people who will go with you, and your religious community.
  4. Discuss Mission Trip Fundraising ideas with people close to you and offer the prospective donor to contribute . If you have several weeks before the journey is supposed to take place, you have time to set up a webpage devoted to this initiative, organize a dinner for the local community and sell tickets to all willing attendees, and partner up with local small businesses to advertise the fundraising plans. Whatever fundraising idea is more suitable for your mission and current financial standing, choose it and outline it in the letter to invite the contributor to learn more about the trip and help you with it.
  5. Explain why do you require financial support for the trip . Do not demand money straight away - try to appeal to the religious sense of the reader and ask them to pray for you and with you in this endeavor. You can inform the donor about the entire sum of money you need to collect and offer them to contribute a smaller amount - either $10, $50, or $100, depending on the status of the individual or organization you are writing to.
  6. Conclude the letter by thanking the reader for their time and attention . Add your contact details and bank account details if you believe the donor will be willing to send you money without asking for anything in return. Include an opportunity for the recipient to send you a check - make sure you state the name of the individual or religious body it must be made out to.

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