Sample Donation Letter in Memory of Someone

Sample Donation Letter in Memory of Someone

A Donation Letter in Memory of Someone is a document that individuals can use when they would like to make a donation in memory of a deceased person. The purpose of the document is to make a charitable contribution to honor the memory of a person who has passed away.

Alternate Names:

  • Donation in Memory of Someone Letter;
  • Memorial Donation.

Generally, individuals who would like to make a charitable contribution in memory of someone choose a charity that is somehow connected with a deceased person or the way they have passed away. Before making a donation you can talk to the family of a deceased person and ask whether you should make a contribution to a particular charitable organization .

If you lost someone and writing a donation letter seems overwhelming at the moment, you can use a sample Donation Letter in Memory of Someone which can be downloaded below .


How to Write a Donation Letter in Memory of Someone?

Writing a donation is an easy-going process. Nevertheless, when you do it in memory of someone who passed away it can be rather difficult due to the sensitive subject. A Letter of Donation in Memory of Someone can contain several parts, which include the following:

  1. Information About the Addressee . You can start your letter by designating the name and the address of the charitable organization that you would like to make a donation to.
  2. Information About the Sender . The letter should always contain your name and your address so that the charitable organization will be able to identify you.
  3. The Date . Do not forget to state the date when you prepared your letter. It will show that the content of the letter is current and up to date.
  4. Donation Details . Here, you can inform the recipient of the letter that you would like to make a donation in memory of someone. Additionally, you should name the person in whose memory you are making this donation, your relationship with this person (if you want to), the donation amount, and other details. if you feel like it, you can also explain why you have chosen this charitable organization, or why you think the deceased person would have approved your choice to make a donation. You make it as short or as long as you want, there are no particular requirements to this part of the letter as long as the donation amount is clear.
  5. Signature . At the end of the letter, you can put your name and your signature, it will verify your identity.

You can include other parts in your Donation Letter as well. For example, if you would like the charity to write a Sample Donation Acknowledgment Letter then in the letter you can designate the address where they can send it. After you have completed your letter, you can attach a donation check to it and send it to the charitable organization of your choice.

Still looking for a particular sample? Take a look at the related samples and templates below:

Download Sample Donation Letter in Memory of Someone

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  • Sample Donation Letter in Memory of Someone